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Light 'n Lively Reads for ESL, Adult, and Teen Readers
A Thematic Bibliography

Not only do I consider this a “must” purchase for all libraries, but multiple copies might be needed. Volunteer tutors, ESL teachers, reading teachers, and those involved in getting reluctant young adult readers to read will not want to relinquish this book once they get hold of it.
Susan Rosezweig

Illustrated by the author

If you have been searching for reading materials that are both interesting and accessible to beginning adult and teen readers, look no further.

Rosow builds this annotated bibliography of high-interest, low-reading-level fiction and nonfiction materials around themes that appeal to adults.

She covers a variety of resources, from books and chapters of books to magazine articles and letters, organizing them from easier to more difficult reading levels to help readers progress with their reading.

Dozens of dialogue and writing activities are suggested for each subject area. Most can be used with any size group, from one-on-one tutoring situations to large multiethnic classes of students with a range of reading and writing abilities.

Perfect for adult and family literacy programs, ESL students, teen remedial reading classes, and readers' advisory, this book is a great tool for motivating and empowering students to read.

Themes include:

The Arts
Myths, Legends, Fables and Fairy Tales
Mystery, Suspense, Horror—for the fun of it
Letters, Logs and Journals
Sickness, Death, and Dying
Racism, Bigotry, and Tolerance
The Planet
Numbers, Math, and Money
Preparing for the GED and Other Standardized Tests
U.S. Citizenship
America: Who, Where, and When

In addition to methods and materials suggestions, you’ll find:
Author/Title/Illustration Index
Subject Index